About US

Hello there! Have you ever been in a situation where you are being stopped from starting your car by a tiny blinking light? If your answer is yes you are in this with me. My name is Gavin J. Knox and my blog story started in my garage one evening. As I was staring at the little light it got me thinking whether there was a fun way to solve this and voilà,  that moment was the birth of “The Check Engine Light“.

Gavin J. Knox working in the mechanic store and smiling

If I am about to talk about cars I usually start with their character and personality. Their personality differs from laid-back to feisty and even mysterious. I intend to share all this with car enthusiasts like you.


At The Check Engine Light, we believe that cars are not just a means of transportation; they are a passion, a statement, and a way of life.


Whether you’re a gearhead, a casual driver, or simply someone who appreciates the beauty of automotive engineering, this blog is tailor-made for you.

The Legend Behind the Wheel: Gavin J. Knox

I started my journey from Detroit, Growing up loving cars wasn’t only a hobby but a way of life.


My childhood was full of memories where cars were the main subjects and it has not changed science.


My love for cars led me to the renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). There, I studied Automotive Engineering and got my PhD in this field.


Those times were a combination of designing car parts, late-night study sessions, and racing victories with the uni’s car team.


Now I am a ASE Certified Master Automobile Technician with more than 10 years of experience in the industry and a bachelor’s degree in Advanced Automotive Systems. 


Also, I recently published my book on Amazon so check this out: Check Engine Light: 10 Tips To Not See That Light Again!


Our TEAM: The Fantastic Crew

Behind this blog is a team as enthusiastic about cars as I am. We’re a blend of gearheads, grease enthusiasts, and folks who love a good car story. Our team of experienced writers and industry experts are here to provide you with the latest news, reviews, and insights on everything related to cars. From classic models to cutting-edge technologies, from vintage beauties to futuristic concepts, we cover it all. With our in-depth articles, engaging features, and helpful guides, we strive to keep you informed and entertained.

But Blinking Lights is more than just an information hub; it’s a community of like-minded individuals who share a common passion for cars. Interact with fellow enthusiasts in our comments section, participate in engaging discussions, and exchange knowledge and experiences. We value your opinions and encourage you to be an active part of our growing community.

Whether you’re seeking advice on purchasing your dream car, looking for tips on car maintenance and customization, or simply want to stay updated with the latest trends in the automotive industry, Blinking Lights has got you covered. Our aim is to empower and inspire car lovers like yourself to make informed decisions and fully enjoy the exhilarating world of cars.


Gavin J. Knox




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